Xvidzz Insights - United Kingdom 2023

The United Kingdom Insights Favorite Categories 2023

The UK is the 5th most visited country on Xvidzz.com, compared to the 23rd most visited country in the world by population. On average, UK visitors spend 7 seconds less on Xvidzz than the global average.

The most popular categories in the UK are broadly in line with similar trends elsewhere in the world, but with local categories being popular in some regions of the country, for example: Scottish, Irish, British.
The first most popular of all categories was Old & Young, followed by Fake Taxi (respect to the Brazzers team for the awesome content) and the third most popular category was Moms. These three categories dominated in the UK.


One response to “The United Kingdom Insights Favorite Categories 2023”

  1. […] data shows that the most searched category in the UK is ‘Old and Young’, with a significant lead over ‘Fake Taxi’, while […]